Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Blue eyes and blue masquerade mask?

So, for Halloween I was thinking about wearing a mask that has shades of light blue, navy, silver, and a little bit of gold in it. My eyes are sort of blue/green. My question is this: Will the mask make my eyes look sort of flat/dull because the both of them are blue? I know wearing blue eyeshadow with blue eyes isn't recommended for that very reason. Would the mask work if I wore gold toned eyeshadow?

Any suggestions/opinions would be appreciated.

Mask: http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj205鈥?/a>

My eye color: http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj205鈥?/a>Blue eyes and blue masquerade mask?
That mask is so beautiful. I think it will compliment your eyes. They won't stand out AS much as they could with a different colored mask, but the mask is just so pretty!Blue eyes and blue masquerade mask?
it will look pretty, the gold eyeshadow is a good idea =]
it's gonna look good.

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